2941. Dima
and array
presented Dima an array of length n.
This array is not simple, but special. Dima can choose two numbers i and d (1 ≤ i ≤ n, -1000 ≤ d ≤ 1000), and the element at index i magically becomes equal to d.
Dima plays with his array, and from time to time Mom asks him questions – what
is the sum of all numbers in the array with indices from f to t inclusive? Dima
easily handled these questions. Can you?
Input. The first
line contains two integers n and q (1 ≤ n ≤ 5·105, 1 ≤ q ≤ 105) – the number of elements in the array and
the total number of operations. The next line contains n integers: a1,
a2, ..., an (-1000 ≤ ai ≤ 1000) representing
the initial state of the array. The following q lines contain operations and queries. The first character of each
line can be either = or ?. If the line starts with =, it is an assignment operation,
followed by i and d, which satisfy the constraints
described earlier. If the line starts with ?, it is a query, followed by f and t (1 ≤ f, t ≤ n).
Output. For each
query print on a separate line the sum of the numbers in the array with indexes
from f to t inclusively.
input |
output |
3 3 1 2 3 ? 1 3 = 3 2 ? 1 3 |
6 5 |
data structures – segment
solve the problem, you should implement a segment tree that supports the
modification of a single element and sum queries.
Let’s simulate the
queries provided
in the example.
#define MAX 500000
The BuildTree function takes an array a,
the current node number v, and the segment boundaries lpos and rpos
as inputs to construct the segment tree.
void BuildTree(vector<int>&a,
int v, int lpos, int rpos)
If the
vertex v corresponds to a segment consisting
of a single element (lpos equals rpos), then we have reached a leaf node of
the segment tree. Assign the value alpos to this leaf node.
if (lpos == rpos) SegTree[v] = a[lpos];
Find the midpoint of the segment by calculating mid = (lpos + rpos)
/ 2.
int mid = (lpos + rpos) / 2;
Split the range [left; right] into [left;
mid] and [mid + 1; right]. Then recursively construct
segment tree on the subsegments.
BuildTree(a, 2*v, lpos, mid);
BuildTree(a, 2*v+1, mid + 1, rpos);
Recalculate the value of the sum in the current vertex
of the segment tree.
SegTree[v] = SegTree[2*v] + SegTree[2*v+1];
The Update function assigns the value val to the element with the index pos.
The vertex v corresponds to the segment [lpos; rpos].
void Update(int v, int lpos, int rpos, int pos, int val)
If the
vertex v corresponds to a segment consisting
of a single element (lpos equals rpos), then we have reached a leaf node of
the segment tree. Assign the value val to this leaf node.
if (lpos == rpos) SegTree[v] = val;
Otherwise, we calculate whether the element with index
pos lies in the left or right child of vertex v. Run recursively its modification.
int mid = (lpos + rpos) / 2;
if (pos <= mid)
Update (2*v, lpos, mid, pos, val);
Update (2*v+1, mid+1, rpos, pos, val);
Recalculate the value of the sum in the current vertex
of the segment tree.
SegTree[v] = SegTree[2*v] + SegTree[2*v+1];
The Summa function returns
the value of the sum on the segment [left;
The vertex v corresponds to the segment [lpos; rpos].
int Summa(int v, int lpos, int rpos, int left, int right)
if (left
> right) return
If the range [left; right] coincides with the segment [lpos; rpos] stored in
vertex v of the tree, then return the
sum value stored in that node.
if ((left == lpos) && (right == rpos))
return SegTree[v];
Find the midpoint of the segment by calculating mid = (lpos + rpos)
/ 2.
int mid = (lpos + rpos) /
Split the range [left; right] into [left;
mid] and [mid + 1; right]. Then recursively compute the sum
on the subsegments. Finally, add the obtained sums together.
return Summa(2*v, lpos, mid, left,
min(right,mid)) +
Summa(2*v+1, mid+1, rpos, max(left,mid+1), right);
The main part of the program. Read
the input data.
scanf("%d %d\n",&n,&q);
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d",&v[i]);
Construct a segment tree from array
Sequentially process q queries. Depending on the type of each query, either perform
element modification or calculate the sum on a segment.
for(j = 0; j < q; j++)
if (c == '=')
} else
realization – iostream
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
vector<int> SegTree;
void BuildTree(vector<int>& a, int Vertex, int LeftPos, int RightPos)
if (LeftPos == RightPos)
SegTree[Vertex] = a[LeftPos];
int Middle = (LeftPos + RightPos) / 2;
BuildTree(a, 2 * Vertex, LeftPos, Middle);
BuildTree(a, 2 * Vertex + 1, Middle +
1, RightPos);
SegTree[Vertex] = SegTree[2 * Vertex] + SegTree[2 * Vertex + 1];
int Summa(int Vertex, int LeftPos, int RightPos, int Left, int Right)
if (Left > Right) return 0;
if ((Left == LeftPos) && (Right == RightPos))
return SegTree[Vertex];
int Middle = (LeftPos + RightPos) / 2;
return Summa(2 * Vertex, LeftPos, Middle, Left, min(Right, Middle)) + Summa(2 * Vertex + 1, Middle + 1, RightPos, max(Left, Middle + 1), Right);
void update(int Vertex, int LeftPos, int RightPos, int Position, int NewValue)
if (LeftPos == RightPos)
SegTree[Vertex] = NewValue;
int Middle = (LeftPos + RightPos) / 2;
if (Position <= Middle) update(2
* Vertex, LeftPos, Middle, Position, NewValue);
else update(2 * Vertex + 1, Middle + 1, RightPos, Position, NewValue);
SegTree[Vertex] = SegTree[2 * Vertex] + SegTree[2 * Vertex + 1];
vector<int> v;
int n, q, i, d, p, f, t;
char c;
int main(void)
cin >> n >> q;
v.resize(n + 1);
SegTree.resize(4 * n + 1);
for (i = 1; i <= n;
cin >> v[i];
BuildTree(v, 1, 1, n);
for (i = 0; i < q; i++)
cin >> c;
if (c == '=')
>> p >> d;
update(1, 1, n, p, d);
cin >> f >> t;
cout << Summa(1, 1, n, f, t) << endl;
return 0;
realization – class
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#define MAX 500000
using namespace std;
class SegmentTree
vector<int> SegTree;
int len;
SegmentTree(int n)
len = n;
SegmentTree(vector<int> &v)
len = (int) v.size();
void BuildTree(vector<int>&a,
int v, int tl, int tr)
if (tl == tr) SegTree[v] = a[tl];
int tm = (tl + tr) / 2;
BuildTree(a, v*2, tl, tm);
BuildTree(a, v*2+1, tm+1, tr);
SegTree[v] = SegTree[v*2] + SegTree[v*2+1];
int Summa(int Left, int Right)
return Summa(1,0,len-1,Left,Right);
int Summa(int v, int LeftPos, int
RightPos, int Left, int
if (Left > Right) return 0;
if ((Left == LeftPos) && (Right
== RightPos)) return SegTree[v];
int Middle = (LeftPos + RightPos) / 2;
return Summa(v*2, LeftPos, Middle, Left,
min(Right,Middle)) +
Middle+1, RightPos, max(Left,Middle+1), Right);
void update(int
Position, int NewValue)
void update(int v, int LeftPos, int
int Position, int NewValue)
if (LeftPos == RightPos) SegTree[v] =
int Middle = (LeftPos + RightPos) / 2;
if (Position <= Middle)
update (v*2, LeftPos, Middle, Position, NewValue);
update (v*2+1, Middle+1, RightPos, Position, NewValue);
SegTree[v] = SegTree[v*2] + SegTree[v*2+1];
int n, q, i, j, d, f, t;
char c;
int main(void)
scanf("%d %d\n",&n,&q);
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d",&v[i]); scanf("\n");
SegmentTree s(v);
for(j = 0; j < q; j++)
scanf("%c ",&c);
if (c == '=')
scanf("%d %d\n",&i,&d);
} else
scanf("%d %d\n",&f,&t);
return 0;
realization – dynamic memory allocation new / delete
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int *SegTree;
void BuildTree(int *a, int Vertex, int
LeftPos, int RightPos)
if (LeftPos == RightPos)
SegTree[Vertex] = a[LeftPos];
int Middle = (LeftPos + RightPos) / 2;
BuildTree(a, 2*Vertex, LeftPos, Middle);
BuildTree(a, 2*Vertex+1, Middle+1, RightPos);
SegTree[Vertex] = SegTree[2*Vertex] + SegTree[2*Vertex+1];
int Summa(int Vertex, int LeftPos, int
RightPos, int Left, int
if (Left > Right) return
if ((Left == LeftPos) && (Right == RightPos))
return SegTree[Vertex];
int Middle = (LeftPos + RightPos) / 2;
return Summa(2*Vertex, LeftPos, Middle, Left,
min(Right,Middle)) +
Summa(2*Vertex+1, Middle+1, RightPos, max(Left,Middle+1), Right);
void update(int Vertex, int LeftPos, int
int Position, int NewValue)
if (LeftPos == RightPos)
SegTree[Vertex] = NewValue;
int Middle = (LeftPos + RightPos) / 2;
if (Position <= Middle)
(2*Vertex, LeftPos, Middle, Position, NewValue);
update (2*Vertex+1, Middle+1, RightPos, Position, NewValue);
SegTree[Vertex] = SegTree[2*Vertex] + SegTree[2*Vertex+1];
int n, q, i, j, d, f, t;
char c;
int main(void)
scanf("%d %d\n",&n,&q);
int *v = new int[n+1];
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
SegTree = new int[4*n];
delete[] v;
for(j = 0; j < q; j++)
scanf("%c ",&c);
if (c == '=')
scanf("%d %d\n",&i,&d);
} else
scanf("%d %d\n",&f,&t);
delete[] SegTree;
return 0;